Continental Gateway Group bridges the last-mile gap between investible ideas and capital in the Global South.

Through our network of experts, we provide and facilitate the financing of South-South impact investments, trade, cooperation, and development between the Latin America, the Caribbean (together LAC), the Middle East and the African Continent (MEA and AFR). We combine private and public financial resources from the Middle East and African Continent and apply these towards public and private development projects in the LAC region. By doing this, we create an alternative financial ecosystem and address the two key deficiencies, namely insufficient capital reaching its intended investments and the lack of bankable projects.

How can we be your GATEWAY TO CAPITAL and projects?

At Continental Gateway Group we believe in leveraging the networks of the Global South to create an alternative financial ecosystem.

We offer comprehensive, innovative, and tailored investment solutions designed to tackle two key deficiencies in the global development financing space: insufficient private and public capital reaching its intended investments and the scaricity of bankable projects.

We, therefore, focus on reducing this mismatch by closing the “last-mile” gap between project owners and investors. This in turn will lead to increased investment flows and positive impacts on the sustainable development of the markets served, thereby contributing to global progress towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Interested to see how we can support your capital needs?

Connect with us today.